COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment is a new social welfare payment for employees and self-employed people who have lost their income during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
For full information on this Scheme visit Citizen’s Information.
COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment Main Points:
- Both self-employed people and employees can apply if their income has been reduced
- Single page application form
- It is a weekly payment of €350. It is paid every Tuesday into a bank account in the State.
- It is paid for up to 6 weeks (maximum)
- You can apply for the payment if you are aged between 18 and 66
- Students can apply for the payment.
- Apply online or by post
- When you apply for the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment, you should also apply for a normal Jobseeker’s payment for your situation. This is to ensure you continue to receive a payment (if applicable) after the emergency payment has finished and to avoid any possible overpayment**
- If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or have been told to self-isolate by your GP, you should apply for Illness Benefit instead
- If you were already getting a partial social welfare payment, such as Jobseeker’s Benefit or Jobseeker’s Allowance (including Jobseekers Allowance for Artists), you do not need to apply for the the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment. Instead you should contact your local Intreo Centre by phone or email to inform them that you have had a reduction in your earnings from work.
**Find out more about the payments available:
- Jobeeker’s Allowance for Professional Artists – (self employed) – means tested. VAI can provide Professional Members with certificates to apply for this scheme.
- Jobseeker’s Benefit (for employees) – based on your PRSI contributions
- Jobseeker’s Benefit (self-employed) – based on PRSI contributions
- Jobseeker’s Allowance – (unemployed, not self employed) means tested
- Short time Work Support Payment (if your working hours are reduced to 3 days or less per week) – based on your PRSI contributions
If you are getting the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment and you have a spouse or partner and children (known as adult or child dependants), you should claim a Jobseeker’s payment as you will get a higher rate.
Once your normal Jobseeker’s payment is being paid, you will be paid any increases for your spouse or partner and children (known as adult or child dependants). These increases will be backdated to the date you applied for the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment.
Applying online
You can apply online for the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment on This is the quickest way to apply.
You need:
- A basic MyGovId account (all you need is an e-mail address and password )
- Your personal details
- Your bank details (only Irish banks, Revolut and N26 accounts supported)
Applying by post
You can get a COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment application form (pdf) online and at your local Intreo Centre and post office.
You can get a form posted to you by emailing your request for a COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment application form and your name and address to
You can also phone the DEASP on 1890 800 024 to request a form, but please note that they are experiencing a huge volume of calls.
You do not need a Public Services Card (PSC) to get the new Covid-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment. However, you will be requested to get a PSC later.
The form is a very simple one-page form. You can get detailed instructions on how to fill it in on (pdf)
You can post the form to the DEASP by Freepost. After you have applied, please keep checking your bank account as payment may issue before the Department formally notifies you.
People who do not qualify for the special pandemic payment
People already in receipt of full weekly social welfare payments of €203. If you are currently getting a Jobseeker’s payment, One-Parent Family Payment, Carer’s Allowance or Disability Allowance, you should not apply for the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment.
If your income is a mixture of both earnings from employment and a social welfare payment such as Jobseekers Allowance for Artists and you lose employment because of the COVID-19 pandemic, you cannot apply for the new COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment. You need to instead inform the DEASP that you have had a reduction in your earnings from work. Your payments will be reassessed and you will get any increases due to you.
Source: Visual Artists Ireland News