The European Commission and stakeholders published a new study that sheds light on the status and working conditions of artists, cultural and creative professionals.
The study looks at characteristics of employment of artists and cultural and creative professionals in EU Member States with regard to:
- artist status and entitlements
- social security
- self-employment
- support ecosystems and alternative financing
- artistic freedom
- career development
- measures countering the Covid crisis
Main findings of the report
The study makes it clear that it is mainly up to Member States to improve working conditions for artists. The study recommends that the European Commission should collect and disseminate good practice and inform Member States of policies and measures that are available to those working in the Culture and Creative Sectors.
The study builds upon a number of earlier initiatives:
“An ecosystem supporting artists, cultural and creative professionals and European content” is one of the five priority themes of the Council Work Plan for Culture 2019-2022. The European Commission is organising the following events in 2021 to continue the work:
– a Voices of Culture civil society group meeting
– an Open Method of Coordination (OMC) Member States expert group meeting.
The European Commission conducted this study in close collaboration with several sectoral stakeholder organisations, including The International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts (IETM), On The Move, PEARLE – Live Performance Europe, Freemuse and Culture Action Europe (CAE).
Links to:
Conclusions and recommendations
Source: Visual Artists Ireland News