The second episode of ‘The Unseen Shows’ Podcast is out now.
This episode features an interview with Neil Carroll, whose solo exhibition ‘In Pursuit of the Brocken Spectre’ opened at the RHA in Dublin in February. This interview was conducted in in early-May via Zoom, just before the scheduled closure of his show.
‘The Unseen Shows’ is a new podcast series by Visual Artists Ireland.
This podcast series features interviews with artists whose exhibitions are currently sealed behind closed doors, due to the closure of all cultural venues in mid-March, in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
A printed version of this interview, with installation images from the exhibition, will be published in the July/August issue of The Visual Artists’ News Sheet.
These podcast interviews will be published every two weeks on Soundcloud.
Listen to episodes from the podcast on Soundcloud here or visiting the Webinars & Podcasts section in the Members Area of the Visual Artists Ireland website.
Feature Image: Neil Carroll, Rupture, 2019, emulsion paint, plaster, paper, burlap, tarpaulin, electrical tape, galva-band, lining paper, steel, wire mesh, wood, 250 × 420cm, installation view, RHA; photograph by Ros Kavanagh, courtesy of the artist and RHA.